The current version of bacteria is 2.0. You can download here. I have gathered all the files in one ZIP file to make the download more comfortable.

Down Name Brief Description of the file All needed files are included in this package.
bacteria.asm bacteria.asm Complete sourcecode of the lastest emulador version. New emulator similar to bacteria but emulates 128K model.

If you have downloaded it and you want to play speccy games, you can download .SNA or .TAP files in this page. Also, is possibly to download the next compiled games. Remember press F6 for stoping playback and start to play. If you think that you are so better as the example's contributors, send me your own played game following this rules, and your name and your compiled game will show in the next list.

Down Game Puntuation rules Score Best Player Nebulus [Last level completed] x 20000 + real score 24.104 Antonio José Villena Godoy Spy Hunter Only real score 40.800 Javier Gutiérrez