JaS - Java Spectrum Emulator

 by Alberto Sánchez-Terrén

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Sir Clive Sinclair

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 o JaS Enhanced
 o JSpeccy
 o Speccy.org
 o World Of Spectrum
 o SPA2
 o Eddie's computers
 o OSWD: Web designs

About JaS

JaS is a ZX Spectrum emulator written in Java.

It was developed by Alberto Sánchez-Terrén during 2003 and 2004, as the result of his Final Course Project in Computer Science. The advisors were Eduardo Mena and Juan Pablo López-Grao.

In 2009, José Ignacio Fernández González opened a new source code branch of JaS under a GPL3 licence. The new project is named JaS Enhanced (jasenh).

In 2010, José Luis Sánchez created a new emulator starting from the Z80 core of JaS. This excellent emulator is named JSpeccy.


You can contact Alberto at patavoukas (at) yahoo (dot) es.

More info

You can learn more about the Computer Science degree at University of Zaragoza here:

Computer Science and Systems Engineering Department
Centro Politécnico Superior
University of Zaragoza
Zaragoza, Spain

Last update: July 9th, 2009

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